What is Bank of America's Routing Number?
For domestic and international wire transfers, the Bank of America routing number is 026009593
What is a Routing Number?
A routing number (also known as ABA which stands for American Bankers Association or RTN which stands for Routing Transit Number) is a nine-digit number that is used by banks or other financial institutions to identify where your account was opened in order to send or receive money.
Each bank will have its own specific routing number assigned to them to reduce the chances of miscommunication. In cases where the wrong routing number was provided during the transfer, it can cause your transaction to be delayed, or denied, and if it was approved, it will be transferred to the wrong account.
Bank Of America Routing Numbers For Local & International Wire Transfer
Wire Transfer Numbers | |
Wire transfer | 026009593 |
SWIFT Code (Foreign currency) | BOFAUS6S |
Let's take a look at the routing numbers for each state in the US for Bank of America.
Bank of America Routing Numbers - All States
State | Routing number |
Alabama | 051000017 |
Alaska | 051000018 |
Arizona | 122101706 |
Arkansas | 082000073 |
California | 121000358 |
Colorado | 123103716 |
Connecticut | 011900254 |
Delaware | 031202084 |
District of Columbia | 054001204 |
Florida (East) | 063100277/ 063000047 |
Florida (West) | 063100277 |
Georgia | 061000052 |
Hawaii | 051000017 |
Idaho | 123103716 |
Illinois (North) | 071000505 |
Illinois (South) | 081904808 |
Illinois, Chicago Metro | 081904808/ 0071103619 |
Indiana | 071214579 |
Iowa | 0073000176 |
Kansas | 101100045 |
Kentucky | 051000017 |
Louisiana | 051000017 |
Maine | 011200365 |
Maryland | 052001633 |
Massachusetts | 011000138 |
Michigan | 072000805 |
Minnesota | 071214579 |
Mississippi | 051000017 |
Missouri (East) | 081000032/ 101000035 |
Missouri (West) | 081000033 |
Montana | 051000017 |
Nebraska | 051000017 |
Nevada | 122400724 |
Hampshire | 011400495 |
New Jersey | 021200339 |
New Mexico | 107000327 |
New York | 021000322 |
North Carolina | 053000196 |
North Dakota | 051000017 |
Ohio | 051000017 |
Oklahoma | 103000017 |
Oregon | 323070380 |
Pennsylvania | 031202084 |
Rhode Island | 011500010 |
South Carolina | 053904483 |
South Dakota | 051000017 |
Tennessee | 064000020 |
Texas (North) | 111000025 |
Texas (South) | 111000025/ 113000023 |
Utah | 051000017 |
Vermont | 051000017 |
Virginia | 051000017 |
Washington | 125000024 |
West Virginia | 051000017 |
Wisconsin | 051000017 |
Wyoming | 051000017 |
How To Find Your Bank of America Routing Number on a Check

To find your Bank of America routing number on your check, all you need to do is see the "bottom-left corner" of your check.
The routing number on a check for most banks in the U.S. is situated at the bottom-left corner, followed by an account number and a check number.
How To Find Your Bank of America Routing Number Online?
Double-check your routing number with both your bank and the recipient.
You can find the Bank of America routing number online by:
- Checking the state in the US in which you need to make payments. See the routing number by state.
- Use Bank of America ABA Routing or mobile app. Note that you will need to provide the state zip code to determine the rate and fee.
- Check or statement issued by Bank of America.