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Experience the simplicity of account connection in just a few clicks.

Log In and Connect to Xero
Don't have an account yet? Sign up in just 15 minutes and then connect to Xero.

Content Ink Pen
Select Currencies to Sync
Choose the currency and set up your bank feeds to sync with Xero.

Target Center
Automatic Reconciliation
Watch your transactions seamlessly update in Xero every 24 hours.

Newspaper Read Man
Precise Categorization
Transactions are sorted and categorized accurately, making reconciliation easy.

Treasure Chest Open
international payments
Xero is a cloud accounting software made for small businesses.

Automate financial tasks like payroll, and expense tracking anywhere, anytime.

international payments

11 currencies at your disposal

You can connect any of these currencies to your Xero account.


Automate accounting even for payment cards

All your transactions, including those from card accounts, can be automatically synced to Xero for seamless integration.


Stay in control with daily synchronization for real-time insights

By automating your accounting, you save valuable time and ensure that no transactions are missed, keeping your books updated at all times.


Benefit from competitive foreign exchange rates

With rates as low as 0.1%, ensuring accurate accounting for currency conversion transactions.

Statrys + Xero

Business account and accounting made easy.

Statrys + Xero

The Statrys Formula

Pay and get paid with your Statrys business account. As simple as it should be!

Connect with us in any way you want. Business is about people!

Our platform saves you time and money. No gadgets. No buzzwords.


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Best Payments and Collections Solution Hong Kong 2022

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SME Payment Solutions of the Year - Hong Kong

Get your Hong Kong business account open in a few days
