85% of our customers open their account in less than 3 days
Everything you need, nothing you don’t
Our goal is to reimagine the payment experience for small businesses and that, of course, includes increased security.
See how we protect your data and your money. Drop us a line if you have any questions, we will be happy to answer!

Is Statrys safe?
Since 2018, more than 3,500 companies trust Statrys as a banking alternative. Every month we help SMEs to make thousands of payments to their clients and suppliers
We are fully licensed and operate as a Money Service Operator under the Customs & Excise Authority in Hong Kong, and as a Small Payment Institution under the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK.

We’ve reached over $2 Billion USD in payment transactions.
Companies love Statrys. We’ve got hundreds of reviews on Trustpilot with an average score of 4.8 out of 5.
Over 3,5K+ companies from all over the globe use Statrys for their daily business transactions.
How do we keep your money safe?
At Statrys, we care about security as much as you do. We follow a strict set of rules set by regulatory agencies in every country we operate in, including the Customs & Excise Authority in Hong Kong and the Financial Conduct Authority in the UK. These agencies exist to keep you safe and make sure we’re acting honestly and fairly. We keep your funds safe. Your money is always kept in segregated accounts with reputable Asian and European banks. You alone have access to your money; they are not permitted to utilize or lend your assets. We also value your privacy. We follow the Hong Kong Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and apply these principles to everything we do. We will never share your information. Finally, our experienced and knowledgeable security team works hard to keep our systems safe by reviewing current processes and keeping up with industry trends.