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Statrys’s Online Business Accounts Hit $2 Billion USD in Transaction Volume

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HONG KONG March 8, 2022 – Hong Kong-based Statrys has reached $2 billion in total transaction volume on their payment platform. Statrys’s mission is to be the world's ‘go-to’ payment platform for SMEs and entrepreneurs: The company specializes in virtual international business accounts, with all the features of a traditional bank offering, but without the red-tape and hassle.  

The company also announced its adoption of FPS (‘Faster Payment System’) which enables Hong Kong businesses to make instant payments in Hong Kong Dollar or Renminbi, via the Statrys online platform.  

Launched in 2018, Statrys’s virtual business accounts have become SMEs’ saving grace in the face of strict account opening requirements at traditional banks. Statrys founder and CEO, Bertrand Theaud, explained that small-to-medium-sized enterprises, startups, and entrepreneurs had all been let down by traditional banks. In his view, their time-consuming and often bureaucratic processes were holding back SMEs and entrepreneurs who needed a streamlined solution. 

“We launched Statrys at a tipping point,” he said. “Businesses had woken up to the fact that traditional banks do not have the tech, the efficient processes, nor the customer focus, to offer competitive payment solutions”. 

Statrys provides the full suite of payment and business accounts services, alongside payment cards, FX trading, and trade finance. This means customers can avoid dealing with multiple providers for the services they need. 

Mr. Theaud said “We distinguish ourselves from others by providing an ‘all-in-one’ solution. No doubt competitors may attempt to replicate our multiple-product approach, and we will manage to stay ahead with this ‘first-mover’ advantage.

Passing the $2 billion dollar point is not just another milestone for Statrys, but an achievement that signals a new era for the speed and convenience of transactions on the platform. Rolling out automatic FPS payments for its clients means Statrys is the prime option for businesses that use Hong Kong Dollars or Renminbi in their transactions.

Mr. Theaud explained Statrys general philosophy. “Let’s face reality, very few businesses really like their bank in this day and age”.

“For us, this presents a colossal, but exciting challenge,” he said. It’s about reimagining the entire banking, payment, and exchange experience for the small business”.

It has been said that Statrys “humanizes digital payment”. They report an average response time for customer queries of just 15 minutes and ensure that real people respond, rather than robots. 

“We are a customer-first business, and have been since the very beginning”, remarked Mr. Theaud. “It’s this approach which has fuelled our growth and allowed us to hit the $2 billion transaction marker so quickly. It’s also why we have adopted FPS to speed up payment times.”

“We want to be the customer support leaders of the industry. We want people to say they wish they had ‘Statrys-level support’.”

About Statrys

Statrys is a global payments platform, based in Hong Kong. It supports 11 major currencies in one multi-currency account, as well as additional features like FX Forward and Spot services, and additional IBAN account numbers in the EU. Their virtual accounts and services are available either via the Statrys website or through Android and iOS apps. Account-holders have come to Statrys from every corner of the world, looking for a way to make cross-border payments easier.

Within just 11 months of launching, Statrys had raised US$5 Million in a Closed-Door Funding Round.

More than 3,500 companies have now adopted Statrys's business payment solutions, including the multi-currency business account, IBAN account, and forex services. With its tendrils now extending into Southeast Asia, Statrys is planning new account types and expanded services for later in 2022.

Media Contact

Djon Ly | Digital Marketing Manager

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