What is the difference between "Shared Charges" and "All Charges" when booking a transfer?

There are two options you can choose from when instructing an international (or non-HKD) payment:

  • Pay for Statrys Charges: this option is to cover Statrys/DBS bank charges. This means all the charges from our side, excluding the fees of intermediary banks and the beneficiary's bank. The amount that reaches your recipient's account will be the funds less the transfer and intermediary bank fees.
  • Pay for all charges: this option is to cover all charges including intermediary bank and beneficiary bank charges. The funds that will reach your beneficiary's account will be the same as the amount sent from your Statrys account.

When making an international or non-HKD payment on our platform, you have two options to choose from:

1. "Shared Charges": This option covers only the charges incurred by Statrys/DBS bank. It does not include the fees charged by intermediary banks or the beneficiary's bank. The amount that will reach your recipient's account will be the funds transferred minus the transfer and intermediary bank fees.

2. "All Charges": This option covers all charges, including those charged by intermediary banks and the beneficiary's bank. The funds that will reach your recipient's account will be the same as the amount you sent from your Statrys account.

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