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Which currencies are supported by my business account?

Your Statrys Business Account allows you to do business around the world with just one account number. Currently, we support 11 different currencies for incoming payments, including:

  1. HKD - Hong Kong Dollar
  2. AUD - Australian Dollar
  3. CAD - Canadian Dollar
  4. CHF - Swiss Franc
  5. RMB - Chinese Yuan
  6. EUR - Euro
  7. GBP - British Pound
  8. JPY - Japanese Yen
  9. NZD - New Zealand Dollar
  10. SGD - Singaporean Dollar
  11. USD - US Dollar

When you receive payments in any of these currencies, they will be credited to your account in the same currency. You have full control over these funds and can decide if and when you want to convert them to another currency.

In addition to the above 11 currencies, you can also send payments in a total of 18 currencies. This expanded range includes:

  • THB - Thai Baht
  • VND - Vietnamese Dong
  • INR - Indian Rupee
  • IDR - Indonesian Rupiah
  • PHP - Philippine Peso
  • TRY - Turkish Lira
  • KRW - Korean Won

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